The Rocky Mountain AAPM Fall Meeting will be held virtually to ensure the continued safety and well-being of our members and speakers. Please join us November 4, 2021 from wherever you are.
We are excited to welcome Dr. J. Daniel Bourland, AAPM President-elect to present Medical Physics: Perspectives for the Future.
Thanks to our vendors, dinner (or coffee) is coming to your email box! If you registered by noon on 11/1/2021, you will receive your indicated choice of a $25 Door Dash OR Starbucks Gift Certificate by email on 11/4/2021. We encourage you to use this during the scheduled dinner break. Due to logistics, anyone not registered will not receive a Door Dash Gift Card for this meeting but we hope you will join us!
Dr. J. Daniel Bourland, PhD AAPM President-Elect
Medical Physics: Perspectives for the Future
Trey Slauter, MS
MATLAB Solution to CT Protocol Review
Adam Paxton, PhD
Implementing Proton Therapy at the University of Utah
Thank you to our vendor sponsors for their generous support!
If your company would like to help sponsor this event, RSVP below.
Just click the button to get started!