The RMAAPM Spring meeting will be held at Penrose Cancer Center June 9, 2018. The meeting will feature the first Young Investigator Slam with the winner receiving funds towards a trip to the national AAPM meeting to compete against other region winners.
Many thanks to all who attended the meeting! Below are some pictures from the meeting and a special outing provided by local guide service Hike For Life
Our presenters have been kind enough to post their powerpoints online for those who could not attend. Thank you for your time and expertise!
Congratulations to Warren Campbell on winning the Young Investigator Slam! We wish him luck at the national meeting! Thanks to all of our participants who entered presentations, this was a great way to highlight the different work being done in our region. We will refrain from posting Warren's presentation until after the meeting but the other presentations can be found below.
Also thanks to Brad Schuller for introducing the "National Speakers Bureau." This is an opportunity to reach out to our community and introduce the concepts of Medical Physics to up and coming students who could help shape our field. If you are interested in participating you can reach Brad at
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